If you are one of those people who is always scared to spoil your favorite clothes when in use, polyurethane film will keep them safe from stain. Well, worry no more! For complete coverage of your fabric for longer periods, this Polyurethane film is the answer. Applying polyurethane film on clothing has many advantages. For starters, it is providing that extra security blanket for your fabric. Secondly is how it water resistant; third, durability and then last of all weight. The stretchable property of the material is responsible for making it super comfortable to wear during sports. As technology improved over the years, polyurethane film saw a variety of use elsewhere. Its characteristic of versatility makes it viable on virtually any fabric type. This would mean that the value of the material increases with more new ideas, an interesting technology. Let's see what this polyurethane film is and why it is safe to use. It is non-toxic; no toxic phenomenon or hazardous materials. That is why it is safe and suitable for every user, even those with delicate nature of the skin home to allergic reactions. To apply the polyurethane film, simply cut it to size according to your fabric square. Nevertheless, it is important to select a quality polyurethane film. Opt for companies that offer warranty on the product they give as well provide you with excellent service. Polyurethane film is also applied in many other industries. Some of which are the clothing like jackets and pants, while some belong to accessories such as bags or caps. It can also be used for home utensils and pillow or sofa cushions so as not to remain stained.
Polyurethane film: This is a material that can be applied to fabric (in our case your trousers) in order to add an extra coating of protection. It has the number of benefits like it is water-resistant, durable and also light in its weight. Its elasticity means it can be used in athletic wear so that you get the full use out of your body movements, but also keeps the moisture from sweat and other liquids -- perfect for a day at gym.
Since then, polyurethane film technology has greatly advanced. Now, the application of a polyurethane film coating to virtually any textile can produce an extremely versatile fabric. From raincoats to car seat covers, polyurethane film continues to find a home in innovative products.
Polyurethane film is a suitable binding material simultaneously. Its non-harmful and free from any nasty chemicals Being hypoallergenic, it is the perfect material for use in garments and other items which come into close contact with sensitive skin.
Adding a utility layer of polyurethane film to fabric is an easily DIY-able task. All you really need is the polyurethane film, a heat source (like any kind of iron or aheat press) and your fabric that needs protection. Just simply slice the polyurethane film into your desired length, position it over the fabric and use a medium heat for clothes pressing. This film will bond to the fabric creating a solid layer of protection.
Customer Service and Quality of the Polyurethane Film
If you decide to purchase polyurethane film for fabric, remember that it must be the highest quality and of good service support system by a distributor The Challenge: Find a reputable company that offers warranty for their ultra durable polyurethane backed film Think about customer support coverage as well, the product you get is likely going to be quite a bit different in your satisfaction level depends on what kind of attention it gets.
Погодан транспорт, поуздана логистика подржавају брзе испоруке. Вертикално интегрисана производња омогућава контролу квалитета почетних сировина. Добијате најновије информације о производу 24/7. Пружамо ваздушну, морску експресну логистику за транспорт ТПУ тканине, на основу захтева купца.
The company founded in 2009, and products are mainly transportable by air or sea. Our group capable of making polyurethane film for fabric, such TPU/PVC fabrics, and offers advantage of a large roll width (up to 80 inches, approximately 2 meters). Casting, rolling, lamination and various other manufacturing processes are offered by company to satisfy demands of our customers.
Ливење, ваљање, ламинирање и други производни процеси могу се користити за задовољавање потреба купаца. Ксианглонг Полимер Фабриц сертификован ИСО 9001, ИСО 14001, ИСО 45001 (Здравље и безбедност) и Глобал Цицле Цертифиед. ТПУ пресвучена 70Д најлонска тканина може се користити за медицинске и производе на надувавање на отвореном. Непропусност, без мириса, као и висока отпорност на хабање. Висока механичка чврстоћа и одлична носивост, као и отпорност на ударце.
The polyurethane film for fabric certified through ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, ROHS, REACH, GRS and other certifications was designated as an advanced technology enterprise Province of Jiangsu Province. Fabric material has been certified GRS. We are open to international and domestic friends to guide us and to engage intensive exchanges, cooperation and progress.