Safe, Durable Bags and a Great Innovation
So, do you need a top premium material that makes your bags even stronger and resistant to wear due to the rough life of every daily outdoor bag? Introducing PVC coated fabric! Constructed of anti-rip polyester fabric woven from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) -- a workhorse plastic with an extensive histroy in various applications, including bag construction -- this new breed offers the benefits that set it apart.
The most prominent benefit PVC coated fabric offer is its excellent water-resistance feature. These types of bags could easily be your all-time favorite travel companion when going on an outdoor adventure because they are very versatile and weatherproof. That makes them ideal for hiking, camping and other outdoor activities. Its incredibly durable so you wont be replacing your bag soon and have added peace of mind that the fabric is tear resistant.
The cutting-edge material that makes it possible to produce the best bags and outdoor gear. Coat fabrics with PVC coating! Aside from making the wheel virtually impervious to damage, this special coating makes cleaning incredibly simple and easy. That this plastic covering is a branding play that performs double duty as an easy-to-clean surface - families who want to save their Write the Future investment in mint condition are likely stoked.
Protection ought to be a concern when it comes to choosing bag textiles, along with PVC-coated cloth accomplishes that. The inexpensive material is also free of harmful chemicals and provides an eco-friendly alternative to products that may introduce dangerous elements into your home. By being toxin-free this PVC coated fabric eliminates any fumes if heated that could harm the user, contrasting with many materials than off gas toxic chemicals.
But the world of PVC coated fabric is more diverse than just bags, and should be considered for applications like production outdoor equipment covers. This is lightweight and very easy to deal with, making it appropriate for several manufacturers. If it can hold up to rain and be sewn without falling apart, then this stuff has got to work for making outdoor clothes that will last in rugged conditions.
Kaip naudotis
PVC coated fabric is easy to work with and can be sewn like any other material. The first is to treat the material with PVC glue before sewing, so that it seals th ethe edges and prevents fraying. That extra touch is not only essential to strengthen seams, but also makes them last for years.
At the heart of PVC coated fabric manufacturers lies an unwavering dedication to provide excellent customer service. At manufacturers like us, a team of well-informed professionals serve the purpose and supply finest quality PVC coated fabric that could be used most suitably.
The quality is the most essential factor to consider while picking up a material for making bags, PVC coated fabric works best in such case. Fine-tuned with the high-quality raw materials focusing on its daily hardships, PVC coating fends off from external aggression even better and keeping your bag safe both inside out.
Laminavimas, valcavimas, liejimas ir įvairūs kiti gamybos procesai gali būti naudojami patenkinti klientų poreikius. „Xianglong Polymer Fabric“ buvo suteiktas ISO 9001, ISO 14001 ir ISO 45001 (sveikata ir sauga) sertifikatai, taip pat gautas pasaulinio ciklo sertifikatas. TPU dengtas 70D nailonas plačiai naudojamas pripučiamiems lauko daiktams ir medicinos prietaisams. Jis yra bekvapis, geras atsparumas dilimui ir puikus sandarumas. Didelis mechaninis stiprumas, geras atsparumas apkrovoms ir atsparumas smūgiams.
The pvc coated fabric for bags certified through ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, ROHS, REACH, GRS and other certifications was designated as an advanced technology enterprise Province of Jiangsu Province. Fabric material has been certified GRS. We are open to international and domestic friends to guide us and to engage intensive exchanges, cooperation and progress.
Transportavimo TPU audiniai, teikiame oro, jūrų, greitosios logistikos paslaugas pagal klientų poreikius. Patogus transportavimas, patikima logistika palaiko greitus pristatymus. Vertikaliai integruota gamyba garantuoja žaliavų kokybės kontrolę. Visada reikia atnaujinti produkto informaciją.
Our company established in 2009, and products we offer are transported by sea and air. Our company produces pvc coated fabric for bags such TPU/PVC. It also able to offer a wide roll width (up to 80 inches or around 2 meters). The production methods of our company comprise rolling, casting, lamination, and other processes that are able meet personalized needs of customers.