MaterialTPU high strength fabric has a very strong toughness and resistance to abrasion, with just one layer of this material is equal in role to the thick 1.5mm PVC + denim give not need them separately Indeed TPU high tenacity coating tells many words! This unique fabric provides enormous strength at an impressive weight level, thanks to which it finds numerous applications in different sectors. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of TPU high strength fabric and its security functions in addition to how it can be proficiently utilized for your products.
The TPU high strength fabric is favored by many people because of its good abrasion resistance. FeaturesIt is able to work fine even under extreme environmental conditions that include high temperatures, moisture and UV exposure. Additionally, this fabric has great tear strength to prevent it from tearing through rips and scuffs. This quality makes it a good option for producing many items such as backpacks, military gear and anything else made of fabric.
The unique place of TPU high strength fabric is also changing the manufacturing history in some industries. It is a much better option than traditional materials such as PVC, rubber & neoprene. Due to its flexibility, lightweight and malleability during the manufacturing process various products can be made quickly.
TPU high strength fabric is made from safe materials that are not harmful to the body besides being durable. Phthalates and heavy metals are health hazardous chemicals Grandeur provide free from such harmful contaminants. In addition, this material is fire retardant and emits no toxic fumes - great for manufacturing automotive parts as well as building materials.
TPU high strength fabric can be used in several ways, which makes the product unique in various industries. These include the manufacture of inflatable goods and products such as watercraft, swimming pool toys, and air mattresses, industrial goods like conveyor belts, hoses, and gaskets, and fashionable accessories such as shoes and bags among others. Some of the considerations to be made include cutting the fabric using a sharp blade, using the right adhesive to improve adhesion, and storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Quality control is critical in ensuring that no rips, punctures, or holes are present in areas where not intended and a consistent material width and thickness are maintained. The product is worth the investment given the emphasis on quality and safety, its efficiency and reliability to the customer as products meet the required standards of quality and safety. The future outlook for the use of TPU high strength fabric in the manufacturing industry looks robust.
Our company founded in 2009 and the products we offer are transported via air and sea. Our group can produce tpu high strength fabric such TPU/PVC. It additionally has advantage of having a large roll width (up to 80 inches or around 2 meters). Lamination, rolling, casting and other production processes are available at our company meet needs of customers.
The tpu high strength fabric accredited through ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 ROHS, REACH GRS, and other certifications was designated a high technological enterprise with Province of Jiangsu Province. Fabric material certified GRS. We welcome foreign and domestic customers to visit and guide us, participate wide range of interactions and cooperation, and help promote development and progress common cause.
Tarjoamme lento-, meri- tai pikalogistiikkakuljetuksia TPU-kangasta, perusasiakas. Kätevä kuljetus, luotettava logistiikka tukee nopeita toimituksia. Vertikaalisesti integroitu tuotanto korkealaatuisia raaka-aineita. Uusimmat tiedot tuote vaativat päivittäin.
Yrityksen tuotantoprosesseihin kuuluu valu, valssaus, laminointi jne., jotka voidaan räätälöidä kunkin asiakkaan tarpeiden mukaan heidän yksilöllisten mieltymystensä mukaan. Xianglong Polymer Fabric sai ISO 9001-, ISO 14001- ja ISO 45001 (Terveys ja turvallisuus) -sertifikaatit. Se sai myös Global Cycle -sertifikaatin. TPU-pinnoitettua 70D nylonia voidaan käyttää laajasti puhallettaviin ulko- ja lääketieteellisiin laitteisiin. Ilmatiiviys, hajuton sekä korkea kulutuskestävyys. Vahva mekaaninen lujuus, hyvä kantavuus ja iskunkestävyys.