When it comes to products used in production clothes, bags, shoes, and various other devices, 2 words often come up are Xianglong Polymer Fabric PU and TPU. You may be wondering what these revealed words imply and why they are essential. We will discuss PU and TPU fabrics, their benefits and how to use them.
Kas ir PU audums?
PU (Polyurethane) Fabric is a natural leather artificial from a layer of polyurethane used to a fabric support. PU fabric waterproof and has a structure soft. It often used in production bags, shoes, and furniture. The development behind TPU augstas stiprības kompozītmateriāli the use polyurethane as a covering for fabrics. The fabric provided by this covering included stamina, resilience, and sprinkle resistance.
PU auduma priekšrocības
fabric is very flexible. It can be split into 2 categories: covered PU
and uncoated PU. Covered PU has a smooth, shiny finish and used in
production coats, bags, and shoes. Uncoated PU has a matte finish and
often used in production furnishings, car insides, and clothes cellular
linings. The benefits of PU fabric consist of:
1. Augsta noturība: PU audums ir ļoti izturīgs, un tas neplīst un neplīst.
2. Ūdensizturīgs: PU audums ūdensnecaurlaidīgs, padarot to ideāli piemērots āra darbiem un periodiem ir slapjš.
3. Elpojošs: Pu audums elpojošs, kas padara to ērtu valkāšanu.
4. Viegli tīrāms: PU audums ir viegli tīrāms, un to var noslaucīt ar mitriem auduma putekļu plankumiem.
Kā lietot PU audumu?
fabric is very easy to use. It can be stitched, glued, or heat sealed.
It great for production bags, shoes, furniture, and various other
devices. To use PU fabric, you need to follow these actions:
1. Izgrieziet audumu vēlamajā formā vai izmērā.
2. Šujiet vai pielīmējiet audumu savā starpā.
3. Siltuma nostipriniet sānus, lai novērstu nodilumu.
4. Ja audums ir jātīra, notīriet to ar mitru audumu.
Kas ir TPU audums?
TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) Fabric a versatile plastic material used in production telephone situations, shoes, and various other items. TPU kompozītmateriāls a kind of PU fabric made by using a layer of thermoplastic polyurethane to a fabric support. TPU fabric highly flexible and can endure temperature levels are severe.
TPU auduma priekšrocības
TPU audumam ir daudz priekšrocību, kas padara to par materiālu populāru telefonu, somu un apavu ražošanu. Šīs priekšrocības sastāv no:
1. Augsta elastība: TPU audums var izstiepties bez sākotnējās formas izliešanas vai plīsuma.
2. Nodilumizturīgs: TPU audums ir ļoti izturīgs un var izturēt nolietošanos.
3. Ūdensizturīgs: TPU audums ūdensnecaurlaidīgs, ražošanas tas ir ideāli piemērots izmantošanai ārpus telpām mitros periodos.
4. Karstumizturīgs: TPU audums var izturēt augstu temperatūras līmeni, deformējot vai atkausējot.
Kā lietot TPU audumu?
fabric are easy to use. It can be glued or stitched and great for
production telephone situations, bags, shoes, and various other devices.
To use TPU fabric, you need to follow these actions:
1. Izgrieziet audumu vēlamajā formā un izmērā.
2. Šujiet vai pielīmējiet audumu savā starpā.
3. Ja audums ir jātīra, notīriet to ar mitru audumu.
Kvalitāte un drošība
Gan PU, gan Poliētera TPU audums are very safe and of top quality. PU fabric a natural leather alternative environmentally friendly and it cruelty-free. TPU fabric eco-friendly and doesn't produce chemicals are hazardous. Both fabrics are easy to clean and maintain.
PU and TPU fabrics are flexible products can be used in various applications. PU fabric often used in production bags, shoes, and furniture. TPU fabric used in production telephone situations, bags, and shoes. Both fabrics can be used to create devices, clothes, and also furnishings.