Are you looking for a fabric that durable, lightweight, and versatile? Look no further than ripstop nylon 20D. This fabric that innovative a fantastic Xianglong Polymer Fabric material for a myriad of outdoor activities and has a range of qualities that allow that it is the perfect choice for anything from tents to jackets.
To start with, why don't our group recommendation a variety of the Xianglong Polymer Fabric advantages of usage nylon fabric that ripstop. Ripstop nylon is a weave of nylon fabric that was designed in the direction of have durability that exceptional endurance. This has a greater tensile endurance compared with regimen nylon fabric, producing it invulnerable in the direction of tearing and even tearing. The ripstop nylonová tkanina string that unique of this specific fabric is exactly just what offers it this durability in addition to endurance. Ripstop nylon 20D are also incredibly lightweight, waterproof, in addition to durable.
Ripstop nylon 20D are an Xianglong Polymer Fabric advancement in the around the world of fabrics. It is designed for use in outdoors tasks, especially in jobs where lightweight in addition to products that are durable important. Additionally, it is a choice that great clothing in addition to devices that should withstand serious environmental issues such as wind, sunshine, in addition to rains. This ripstop nylon try versatile, flexible, in addition to can easily change in the direction of any type of environment.
When you are out in the wild, safety is continuously a Xianglong Polymer Fabric issue that prominent. Ripstop nylon 20D provides a suitable solution since it is a product that extremely risk-free. It is end immune in addition to can easily withstand issues that are greater. This will produce it an nylonový rip stop item that ideal relaxing bags in addition to tents.
Ripstop nylon 20D might be used for a selection that wide of. It was a Xianglong Polymer Fabric that versatile can easily sensation used for layers, raincoats, tents, backpacks, relaxing a lot more, in addition to bags. It can easily also be used for outdoors devices such as hammocks, tarps, hats, in addition to ponchos. It is possible in the direction of handle in addition to fabricators can easily incorporate it in the direction of produce nepromokavá nylonová tkanina types that are different kinds.
Our company established in 2009, and products we offer are mainly shipped by air and sea. Our group capable of making ripstop nylon 20d, like TPU/PVC, and also has the benefit of a large roll width (up to 80 inches, which about 2 meters). Company's production processes comprise rolling, casting, lamination, as well as other processes which are able satisfy specific requirements of our customers.
The ripstop nylon 20d accredited through ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 ROHS, REACH GRS, and other certifications was designated a high technological enterprise with Province of Jiangsu Province. Fabric material certified GRS. We welcome foreign and domestic customers to visit and guide us, participate wide range of interactions and cooperation, and help promote development and progress common cause.
Odlévání, válcování, laminování a další výrobní procesy splňují požadavky. Polymerová tkanina Xianglong má certifikaci ISO 9001, certifikaci ISO 14001, certifikaci ISO 45001 (Zdraví a bezpečnost) a certifikaci Global Cycle Certified. 70D nylon potažený TPU používaným široce nafukovacími venkovními i zdravotnickými zařízeními. Vzduchotěsnost, bez zápachu a odolná proti opotřebení. Dobrá mechanická pevnost, vynikající nosnost a odolnost proti nárazu.
Nabízíme leteckou, námořní nebo expresní logistickou přepravu TPU tkanina, základna d zákazníka. Pohodlná přeprava, spolehlivá logistika podporuje rychlé dodávky. Vertikálně integrovaná výroba surovin nejvyšší kvality. Nejnovější informační produkt vyžaduje každý den.